Tag Archives: Cross-country Skiing

Blue sky and blue ice on the Sask Toe


Sask Toe Feb 9 & 10

Joining our group of 8 were 7 vets and one rookie, me Phil and that is why I am writing the trip report. The 7 vets were trip leaders Debby & Jeff, Sandy & Steve, Barb, Pat and Neil.

The group first met at Sandy & Steve’s house Feb 5th to go over plans for the trip. The first half hour was spent discussing the iitenary for the trip and dispensing safety advice for the rookie which was appreciated. The remaining hour of our meeting was to discuss what I quickly learned was the most important topic, dinner for Saturday night and who was going to bring what. On the recommendation of co-trip leader Debby, the theme was Italian which was quite a challenge having gluten free, lactose intolerant and vegetarian diets requirements of our group. There were no diet concerns when we were discussing what wine to bring for the meal. Funny that.

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Ribbon Creek Ski Trip and Fondue Feast

Fondue Tour on the top of Blueberry hill.  One of the rare times that it is very clear and no wind

Fondue Tour on the top of Blueberry hill. One of the rare times that it is very clear and no wind

By Dion

We set out for beautiful Kanannaskis Country on Friday. This is the first ski trip with the Parkland Ski Club that I have ever participated in. I had heard a lot of good things about the trip before I signed up. I actually heard more about the food than about the skiing itself! The last of us arrived at around 8pm on Friday night at the Ribbon Creek Hostel. It was a cold night, about -26 Celsius, and very dark. We had a trip meeting that night and decided that we would start off the ski as group and then separate into two groups. Marilyn was the leader for one group and Jane lead the other group.

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Santa Updates Naughty Or Nice List On Elk Lakes Tour

A few photos from the annual Christmas tour to Elk Lakes Cabin.

Ski/Hike day Tour at Riverbend


The weather blessed us with ample snow so we were able to strap on the skis for the first ski of the season. The air was crisp with hints of sun as four members, Pat, Sheila, John and Linda eagerly glided on fresh packed snow on the perimeter trail.  What a treat as the past few years it’s been tying on the hiking boots. It was great to get in some early season conditioning  on snow, just a taste of the season to come.