A slide presentation by Jeff & Debbie Kirtzinger
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Kerry Wood Nature Center
General meeting starts at 7:30 pm
Presentation to start at 8:30 pm
Jock sent me some photos from what looks like another successful AST 1 Course led by Felix and Alison of El Gato Mountain Adventures.
December 13 [Friday] 2013 Join us for a Moonlight ski from Great Chief Park , meet near picnic shelter at 5:30 pm sharp to ski. A potluck supper/social to follow at about 7-7:30 pm. BYOB if you desired, tea ,coffee and juice supplied.
Please confirm attendance and item for potluck if attending by calling coordinator: Linda Dickin at 403-342-1913 or e-mail at ltdickin@shaw.ca
Felix Camire, ACMG Guide with El Gato Mountain Adventures and excellent photographer, will be giving a presentation on his Skiing Adventures in North America.
Felix Camire
ACMG Hiking & Ski Guide
Hosted By: Parkland XC Ski Club – Everyone Is Welcome
Date: Tuesday December 10, 7:30 PM
Location: Kerry Wood Nature Centre