2014 Cool Sask Toe Tour

14. Glacier 2IMG_6433

Sask Toe Trip Report

Friday, February 21 to Sunday, February 23
Tour Leaders: Jeff and Debby Kirtzinger
Hostel: Rampart Creek

Trip members: Our fearless, capable and helpful leaders plus Dave A, Dion B, John and Linda D, Steve and Sandy I, Jock and Janet M, Marilyn S.

All arrived safely on Friday night with thanks to very good roads. Special thanks to Jeff who rescued a wayward traveller (plus wife and two teens) who had driven into the ditch near the junction of Highway 11 and 93.

Saturday morning -20°
Our merry band of 11 happy souls made the 7.5 km to the toe of the Saskatchewan Glacier in about 3 hours. We followed the tracks of what turned out to be four skiers who had gone in the night before, skied over the glacier and who spent the night somewhere up in the back and beyond.

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2014 Healy Pass – Egypt Lake Overnight Tour


By; Dave A

The trip started off on a good foot Friday night at the Castle Junction Hostel. A young liquor sells rep was present and offered sells samples of their products, (as much as we wanted). Several skiers took advantage of that.

Saturday morning we arrived at the Sunshine parking lot around 8:30am for a chilly ~ -28 C start. The trail was in good condition and we made our way up to the pass stopping for lunch along the way.

Snow conditions at the pass were fairly good, several inches of power on a crusty base.

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2014 Fondu Foray

By Jock M

The Fondue Foray (fondue held at the Ribbon Creek Hostel) and Ski Trip (in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park) was held on the weekend of January 17 and 18, 2014.

In attendance: Nancy B, Celia H, Janet M, Jock M, Amanda M, Karen M, Phil M, Trudy M, Dianne R, Janet R, Marilyn S, Lorna T, Richard T, Frank W, Todd W, and Ron D

Our leaders: Marilyn S & Richard T

We were warmly welcomed by hostel host, Anita and her cat.

Friday night supper for many of the gang was fine dining at the Kananaskis Resort

Friday night was spent getting settled in the dorm, then relaxing by the fire. 

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2014 Hilda YoYo: A Tale Of Two Hostels

Hilda Yo-Yo Skiing

With such a large group we ended up staying at two separate hostels and had two very different experiences for the weekend.

Ramparts Hostel By Margo

Hilda yo-yo trip, turned more of a road trip – January 2014 This definitely was a different kind of adventure!

7 of us were staying at Ramparts with the plan to meet up with the main group plus tour leaders at Hilda on Saturday morning. Great plan, except that Mother Nature had different ideas.

We woke up to at least 12” of fresh snow and still snowing heavily. No problem, we pile into our cars and start ploughing thru. About halfway, we were stopped by a truck coming the other way, informing us they had not been able to make it past the big bend.

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Elk Lakes December 2013 (from the eyes of a “newbie”)

elk lakes 141
We were fortunate to get two different trip reports from Bill and Jen for the Elk Lakes tour but they both agree that it was a really cold trip!
By Bill

It was with some trepidation that I prepared for my first backcountry overnighter with the club. Not only would I have to be capable of skiing with a forty pound pack, the weather forecast was for cold and colder. Trip leader Steve B. assured me that if I could ski the hills at River Bend with a heavy pack, I could do it. As a refresher, I also availed myself of an Intro to Mountain Touring course, led by Jane and Steve D. (the other Steve) and picked up several tips. Steve B. sent out an equipment list which would prove useful (especially the down jacket).  Continue reading