2015 Hilda Yo-Yo Tour

Yoyo Ski Trip     January 10th and 11th

Rampart Creek Hostel

Parkland Ski Club Meets its Match in the Mountains

At varying times Friday, January 9th, thirteen members of Parkland Ski Club met at Rampart Hostel, sharing travel stories and enjoying late dinners. So interesting to observe the varieties of chili! Maybe next year a “Chili cook off?”

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January 30,2015[Friday]. Join us for a Moonlight ski from Great Chief Park or walk around Bower ponds area depending on weather, meet near picnic shelter at 5:30 pm sharp to ski. A potluck supper/social to follow at about 7-7:30 pm .BYOB if you desired, chili [meat & vegetarian] tea ,coffee and juice supplied. Headlamp optional. Max of 20 participants .

Please confirm attendance and item for potluck if attending by calling coordinator , Linda Dickin at 403-342-1913 or e-mail at ltdickin@shaw.ca