Welcome to the 2024-25 ski season with the Red Deer Nordic Ski Club – an amalgamation of Parkland and Red Deer Nordic!
Join us for the kick off to the new season at River Bend Clubhouse
October 8th, 2025 7:00-9:00pm
Everyone is welcome!
- Register for membership and ski programs here including Masters ski training, adult learn to ski courses, and youth programming for 4-17 year olds.
This website will be discontinued this fall with the new website to be updated soon – see RedDeerNordic.ca.
No skis? No problem! River Bend is renting them out daily during snow season.
Everyone is welcome to join us!
Crimson Lake Day Tour
A day tour is proposed to Crimson Lake (near Rocky Mountain House) on Saturday 28 February 2015, leaving Red Deer at about 10am. Please call (403 340 0050) Richard Townell or email rtownell@gmail.com if you want to go. We may be able to car pool.

2015 Healy Meadows
George, Margo, Dave, Ivan and Dion got together for visiting and updating on Friday night. On Saturday the day started with poor road conditions, noting of a couple of accidents and congested traffic making the beginning of the day a bit worrisome. The group was the first on the trail with a couple cm of new snow at trailhead making for nice uphill ski on warm sunny day. The uphill trip was interrupted only by the noise from Sunshine’s frequent avalanche control activities. Lunch was in sunny meadow with gentle warm breeze keeping temperatures perfect.