Steve and Sandy lead the tour to Molar Meadows on the weekend of December 18-19. The temperatures were seriously cold, the forecast was optimistic as were the hardy skiers who showed up no matter what. (We booked that hostel bed and made that potluck dish and it is Alberta winter after all….) The hostel parent had changed since our last visit and most of us noted the hostel had been spiffed up, especially in the kitchen.
Cold Weather And Poor Snow For Nigel Pass Season Opener!
Minus 20º Celsius temperatures didn’t deter a dozen club members from heading up towards Nigel Pass for the first back country trip of the season. The initial plan was to spend Saturday doing turns at Parkers Ridge but some prior scouting on Friday by Vance and Derry found that snow conditions were not favorable for turns so we switched to Plan B and headed for Nigel Pass.
Early season skiing, where to find the snow?
This is the fidgety time of the year, you can only wax your skis, sharpen your edges and check for loose screws so many times before you have to get out and find some snow. So what are your best bets for early season skiing?
I have seen a few online reports of skiers getting out on Rae and Robertson Glaciers but you may have to hike a bit to get to decent snow and be prepared for the hazards of glacier travel.
Looking over some of the Mountain Condition Reports from the Association of Canadian Mountain Guides [ACMG] it sounds like there is significant snow accumulating in the Columbia Icefields area but the recent warm weather may have melted that away.
– For current Mountain Condition Reports from the ACMG check out:
Moraine lake road in Banff National Park closes in early fall and does not require a lot of snow coverage to make it skiable. The road offers several kilometers of track-set skiing and an easy downhill on the way back.
– Check out the Ski Here! online blog for lots of local cross-country ski information:
The Canmore Nordic Centre has man-made snow in some areas which can help get a jump on the season and this year they built a small ski loop from snow stored over the summer. Contact them to check on current trail conditions: (403) 678-2400.
You might also find some early season skiing up at Chester Lake in Kananaskis Park.
Be aware that even early in the season avalanches can still be a factor!
October 2010 Presentation: Everest By Lucille de Beaudrap
At our October meeting the Parkland Cross Country Ski Club will host a special slide presentation by Lucille de Beaudrap on her ascent of Mount Everest this past spring. Lucille is an ICU and STARS nurse in Edmonton and has a diverse background of interests. Some of these have included paragliding, skiing, marathon running, ice and rock climbing to mention a few. High altitude summits include Aconcagua in South America and our very own highest peak in Canada, Mt Logan, which she climbed with club member Mike Spencer.
❄ There is no admission charge for this presentation so invite all your friends.
Hosted By: Parkland XC Ski Club
Date: Tuesday October 12, 7:30 PM
Location: Kerry Wood Nature Centre