Wilcox Pass & Glacier Lake Tour

Glacier Lake

Dave watches as Debby crosses some open water on the Howse River on the trail towards Glacier Lake

By: Jane

Departing Ramparts Hostel the temperature was -23 at 8:30 am.  30 mins later as we began are climb up to Wilcox Pass the temperature had risen to -8.  It remained a cloudless sky for the full day with temperatures reaching around +5.  The snow through the trees was good, but once out of the trees there was little snow and lots of bare areas for a while.  We lunched opposite a gently slope which became a ‘play area’ for a few people, the others choosing to languish in the sun.  We skied to the far end of the pass and contemplated skiing down Tangle Creek.  (Its definately not only women who have difficulty making decisions,it seemed the pros and cons were tossed around for ages by the gentlemen in the group!)  We returned the same way and floundered down the trail for a while before finding the good snow in the trees.

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Long Sunny Days In Assiniboine

Mt. Assiniboine

By: Jane

We all gathered at Donna and Ron’s place in Canmore to make the final plans for our trip.  The group skiing in, Jane, Steve, Donna, Ron and Margo were on their skis by 8:30.  The weather was overcast with no wind and gently falling snow.  It made for excellent skiing conditions.  Fortunately the group were able to follow tracks so trail-breaking was very moderate for the majority of the route.  However, the group helicoptering (Jeff, Debbie, Ivan, Steve Bennett and George) experienced a 3.5 hour delay in departure. There was a window in the weather that lasted about an hour, just enough time for the passengers and gear to get into Assiniboine safely.  The group skiing in were able to contact the Helicopter outfit and were aware of the delays.  A group decision was made to continue onward and snuggle together in the huts to keep warm, if necessary, knowing that their gear may not be waiting for them. (Margo was missing her man at that point!).  The skiing group arrived around 6:15 pm with a warm welcome from the others and good food prepared.

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