Author Archives: parkland

“True Stories” From Blanket Glacier!


A Pineapple Express may sound delicious but this warm Pacific airflow created some interesting weather conditions for our week up at the Blanket Glacier Chalet from March 8-16.

We arrived in Revelstoke Friday evening to Spring like conditions which had many of us worried about skiing but the flowers were a good distraction! Saturday morning Marion, our host, started a mad dash to meet the helicopter when she informed us that we had our departure times wrong and where an hour late. We were soon whirling our way from the muddy valley through blue skies into the snow zone surrounding the Blanket Chalet.

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Fryatt Valley Photo Gallery

A few photos from the overnight trip into Fryatt Valley.

Scenic detours on the Pipestone

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Lake Louise Pipestone Mountain Trip February 1-3, 2013

Trip Leader: Richard Townell

Participants: Lorna, Dianne, Sarah, Trudy, Shannon, Dave, Deb,  Dion, Marilyn,  Nancy, Frank, Marg, Sally, Sheila, Karen & Philip, Walter & Dianne.

The group arrived at different times on Friday and easily settled in by relaxing at the local pub and enjoying a campfire at the hostel’s courtyard. The weather was clear and warm making easy driving conditions for the drivers, thank you to the drivers!

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Excerpts From Newsletters of Yesteryears What Has Changed What Has Not

2013-02-17 09.28.18

A self-imposed duty, as club secretary, has been that of reviewing the mass of paper that arrived at my house, turned over to my keeping by the previous secretary.  Thus, I am sorting and reading and reading. Most fascinating are the old newsletters.

However, before I share from them, I need to say my reading of the club history left me in awe of and full of admiration for the many club members who contribute to the success of the club year after year after year often simultaneously wearing multiple “club hats”.

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