Author Archives: parkland

Blue sky and blue ice on the Sask Toe


Sask Toe Feb 9 & 10

Joining our group of 8 were 7 vets and one rookie, me Phil and that is why I am writing the trip report. The 7 vets were trip leaders Debby & Jeff, Sandy & Steve, Barb, Pat and Neil.

The group first met at Sandy & Steve’s house Feb 5th to go over plans for the trip. The first half hour was spent discussing the iitenary for the trip and dispensing safety advice for the rookie which was appreciated. The remaining hour of our meeting was to discuss what I quickly learned was the most important topic, dinner for Saturday night and who was going to bring what. On the recommendation of co-trip leader Debby, the theme was Italian which was quite a challenge having gluten free, lactose intolerant and vegetarian diets requirements of our group. There were no diet concerns when we were discussing what wine to bring for the meal. Funny that.

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Snowy encounters at Lake O’Hara

Sally, Marie & Don, Margo, George, Dave, Barb, Laurie, Judy.

Sally, Marie & Don, Margo, George, Dave, Barb, Laurie, Judy.

Lake O’Hara Trip – Feb 22-24, 2013 by Laurie

This was my first club trip this year, and my second winter backpacking experience. Margo felt that as I did a fair number of close encounters with the snow I should do a trip report so here goes.

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February 2013 Presentation: The Grand Ski Traverses of the Canadian Rockies and Columbia Mountains By Chic Scott


Author Chic Scott will tell the story of all the long distance ski traverse in the Canadian Rockies and Columbia Mountains, beginning with Joe Weiss’s traverse from Jasper to Banff in 1930 up to the great traverses in the Columbia Mountains in the 70s and 80. Featured with the be the Great Divide Ski Traverse completed in 1967 by Chic Scott and three companions and the Jasper to Banff Traverse along the ‘East Side’ completed by Chic Scott and Marg Gmoser in 2010 when they were 64 years old.

Hosted By: Parkland XC Ski Club
Date: Tuesday February 12, 7:30 PM
Location: Kerry Wood Nature Centre

Excerpts From Newsletters of Yesteryears The Parkland Poets


A self-imposed duty, as club secretary, has been that of reviewing the mass of paper that arrived at my house, turned over to my keeping by the previous secretary.  Thus, I am sorting and reading and reading. Most fascinating are the old newsletters.

However, before I share from them, I need to say my reading of the club history left me in awe of and full of admiration for the many club members who contribute to the success of the club year after year after year often simultaneously wearing multiple “club hats”.

Now, some excerpts from the many poems that were part of yesteryear’s newsletters.

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Destination Mount Gordon

Trying to eat lunch on the wind swept Wapta Icefield By Ivan

Trying to eat lunch on the wind swept Wapta Icefield By Ivan

By Derry

On February 1st our merry band of backcountry skiers set off across Bow Lake enroute to Bow Hut and distant Mount Gordon. The ski across the wind-swept lake was more like skating, but snow conditions improved once we got into the trees. We proceeded carefully through the narrow creek canyon and up into the snow covered alpine. Bow Hut looked so close across the Valley, but it still took us hours to make the steep climb. A warm fire and good food quickly improved our moods.

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