A few photos dug out of the 2003 archives:
- Parkland SC Ski Club clearing Heritage Ranch Trails
- Parkland SC Ski Club clearing Heritage Ranch Trails
- Shunda Creek Hostel
- Snow Queen Barb Snow Creek
- Full House Shunda Creek
- Sai-yeh, Don and Marie Sunset Pass
- Enjoying the first tour Snow Creek
- Mike, Karne, Sai-yeh, Don, Marie, Frank, Bob, Barb, John. Sunset Pass
- Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
- Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
- Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
- Sunrise at Beauty Creek
- Boundary Lake
- Egypt Lake Hut
- Egypt Lake Hut
- …I am desperate Santa, you’re my last hope!!! Egypt Lake Hut
- Egypt Lake Hut
- Jarvis Bay Day Tour
- Jarvis Bay Day Tour
- Fondue Trip
- Robertson Glacier Fondue Trip
- Fondue Trip
- Fondue Trip
- Guess who? Tele Weekend
- Tele Weekend
- Don and Bob at Castle Mountain Hostel, Spencer Roadshow
- Barb C. breaking tail, Spencer Road Show
- Baker Creek, Spencer Road Show
- Spencer Road Show
- Spencer Road Show
- Castle Mountain
- Spencer Road Show
- Red Deer Loppet 2004
- Crossing the Saskatchewan River, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Toe of Saskatchewan Glacier
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Guardian of Saskatchewan Glacier
- Saskatchewan Glacier Trip
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Saskatchewan Glacier Ice Diamond
- Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Mike conceding defeat to the inevitable pull of gravity, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- fragile contentment in the brutal wind, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Brian D. (aka Fiedel) reluctantly joins the party of the capitalistic horde. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Fiedel (aka Brian D) toasting his capitalist cold war friends. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Dapper Don. N fighting off scheming cold war charmers Pam and Sarah. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Barb S. and Carol all dressed up and no place to go. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- The gang enjoying another great feast. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Tophie and Carol leading the gang. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Stanley Mitchel Tour
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Goat Creek Trail
- Quinton and Brian Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
- Jesse enjoying the Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
- Youngest Ski Club memeber hanna with connie and Mishka. Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
- Which way shall we go? Palliser Trail Tour
- Palliser Trail Tour
- Palliser Trail Tour
- Palliser Trail Tour
- Palliser Trail Tour
- Cool Dude Sean. Family Trip
- Hannah and Jesse. Family Trip
- Jamaal having a great time. Family Trip
- Mountain Man Quinton. Family Trip
- Easy Riders Elizabeth and Sean powered by Mike C. Family Trip
- Family Trip
- Jesse with Grandpa Mike. Family Trip
- Early Ice Climbers. Family Trip
- Family Trip
- Family Trip
- Don, Nicole, Brian and Mike S. climbing towards summit of Mt. Joffre
- Mike S. and Dave C. approaching summit of Mt. Joffre
- Dave, Don, Mike S, Claude, Nicole and Brian S. Summit of Mt. Joffre