Mike S. and Dave C. approaching summit of Mt. Joffre
A few photos dug out of the 2003 archives:
Parkland SC Ski Club clearing Heritage Ranch Trails
Parkland SC Ski Club clearing Heritage Ranch Trails
Shunda Creek Hostel
Snow Queen Barb Snow Creek
Full House Shunda Creek
Sai-yeh, Don and Marie Sunset Pass
Enjoying the first tour Snow Creek
Mike, Karne, Sai-yeh, Don, Marie, Frank, Bob, Barb, John. Sunset Pass
Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
Pine Tar and Paraffin Party
Sunrise at Beauty Creek
Boundary Lake
Egypt Lake Hut
Egypt Lake Hut
…I am desperate Santa, you’re my last hope!!! Egypt Lake Hut
Egypt Lake Hut
Jarvis Bay Day Tour
Jarvis Bay Day Tour
Fondue Trip
Robertson Glacier Fondue Trip
Fondue Trip
Fondue Trip
Guess who? Tele Weekend
Tele Weekend
Don and Bob at Castle Mountain Hostel, Spencer Roadshow
Barb C. breaking tail, Spencer Road Show
Baker Creek, Spencer Road Show
Spencer Road Show
Spencer Road Show
Castle Mountain
Spencer Road Show
Red Deer Loppet 2004
Crossing the Saskatchewan River, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Toe of Saskatchewan Glacier
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Guardian of Saskatchewan Glacier
Saskatchewan Glacier Trip
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Saskatchewan Glacier Ice Diamond
Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Mike conceding defeat to the inevitable pull of gravity, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
fragile contentment in the brutal wind, Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Brian D. (aka Fiedel) reluctantly joins the party of the capitalistic horde. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Fiedel (aka Brian D) toasting his capitalist cold war friends. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Dapper Don. N fighting off scheming cold war charmers Pam and Sarah. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Barb S. and Carol all dressed up and no place to go. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
The gang enjoying another great feast. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Tophie and Carol leading the gang. Saskatchewan Glacier Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Stanley Mitchel Tour
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Goat Creek Trail
Quinton and Brian Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
Jesse enjoying the Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
Youngest Ski Club memeber hanna with connie and Mishka. Ski Weekend at Jim and Doreen’s
Which way shall we go? Palliser Trail Tour
Palliser Trail Tour
Palliser Trail Tour
Palliser Trail Tour
Palliser Trail Tour
Cool Dude Sean. Family Trip
Hannah and Jesse. Family Trip
Jamaal having a great time. Family Trip
Mountain Man Quinton. Family Trip
Easy Riders Elizabeth and Sean powered by Mike C. Family Trip
Family Trip
Jesse with Grandpa Mike. Family Trip
Early Ice Climbers. Family Trip
Family Trip
Family Trip
Don, Nicole, Brian and Mike S. climbing towards summit of Mt. Joffre
Mike S. and Dave C. approaching summit of Mt. Joffre
Dave, Don, Mike S, Claude, Nicole and Brian S. Summit of Mt. Joffre